Matthew 19:14 (ESV), “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.’”
Children are important members of the body at Christ Our Peace. We invite children to bring the gifts up to the altar and we pray for them during every service. In many ways, we are able to learn from the simple and true faith of the little ones in our community.
We desire to raise our children up in the faith well. The children of COPA have several options available to them on Sundays:
Nursery is available for crawlers/walkers to age 5 during the middle part of the service and the sermon. During this short time, our littlest ones sing, pray, and engage in simple art and play. Parents need to collect their children during the Passing of the Peace.
Kids Sunday School is available for 5-9 year olds. They will be excused before the sermon and engage in a bible lesson, time of prayer and catechism. Parents need to collect their children during the Passing of the Peace.
Coloring sheets are available weekly for children of all ages to use during the service. All little ones of any age are also welcome in the play area in the fellowship hall at any time during the service if they need a space to stretch their legs and play.
Most importantly, our community is warm and welcoming of children’s participation in the liturgy. We know it is hard for little ones to sit still during the service and we invite our community to help shepherd them with love and grace as they learn this skill. There are always a good number of young children present, and the sounds and excitement of their presence is a valued part of the morning.
If you would like your child to participate in the Nursery, Sunday School or Youth Group, please register them HERE.
If you are interested in having your children baptized or confirmed, please talk to Reverend Billy Gaines
If you have any questions about our Kid’s Ministry, please contact Tina Gaines